Predicting speed and fuel consumption of the log trucks in New Zealand. Volume IV.

Peiyu, L. & O'Reilly, R.

A study of the effect of roadway and log truck charac- teristics on speed and fuel consumption was conducted in the Tokoroa Forest area in New Zealand. Roadway characteristics studied included horizontal curvature, vertical rise, vertical fall, surface type, surface width roughness, rut depth, and depth and moisture of loose material.Log truck charac- teristics, such as weight, power to weight ratio and speed, were also taken into account.

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B 27727 (In: B 27701) /21 /96 / IRRD 810847

In:New Zealand Roading Symposium 1987. Vol.III. Traffic and safety. The human resource. Vol.IV.Heavy vehicles.Economics.Bridges, p.705- 710, 4 ref.

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