Prediction on accident factors of the expressway system in Thailand.

Ratanavaraha, V. & Pawan, P.

The latest year of available accident data (1999) from the Expressway and Rapid Transit Authority of Thailand was used for this research. A methodology has been developed to investigate causative highway accident factor. This methodology integrates the identification of hazardous locations and use of discriminant analysis. Five methods of identifying hazardous locations (namely the accident frequency method, accident rate method, quality control method, accident severity method, and combined method) were used to identify hazardous locations. Eleven prior causative highway accident factors were evaluated initially in this research. Discriminant analysis techniques were applied in a variety of ways and combinations to determine the most significant contributing causative highway accident factors.

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C 31608 (In: C 31321 CD-ROM) /81 / ITRD E826369

In: ITS - enriching our lives : proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Chicago, Illinois, October 14-17, 2002, 6 p.

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