Predictions of child motion during panic braking and impact.

Kalepa, I. & Marcus, J.H.

To study child motion during vehicle deceleration, 167 simulations were conducted using a large three-dimensional gross body motion model program in which seven initaial body positions, 2, 5, 3 and 6 year old body sizes, 3 levels of panic braking decelerations, cases of superimposed crash decelerations and several seat sliding friction coefficients were considered.

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B 22110 (In: B 22101 [electronic version only]) /84/ IRRD 269894

In: Proceedings of the 26th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 20-21, 1982, p. 207-229. fig., graph., tab., ref.; SAE Paper No. 821166

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