Preliminary research into the feasibility of motorcycle airbag systems.

Zellner, J.W. Newman, J.A. & Rogers, N.M.

This paper summarizes the results of preliminary research carried out between 1990 and 1993 by the motorcycle industry and various research institutes, into the feasibility of applying airbag technology to motorcycles. Phase 1 of the research involved: literature review; identification of preliminary injury evaluation methods, injury indices and dummy requirements needed to assess motorcycle airbags; 19 sled tests; and computer simulation to evaluate systematically the effects of airbag design, vehicle, rider characteristics and impact configuration on airbag performance. Phase 2 of the research continued with: a review and analysis of existing airbag sensor technology; modification of existing of existing motorcycle dummy to incorporate modifications to the neck and other body regions; human cadaver tests; dummy response validation; computer simulation of various airbag concepts including preliminary design optimization; full-scale impact tests; and further refinement of the dummy neck and airbag design. Overall, the results indicated that: (1) appropriate injury evaluation methods are needed to assess motorcycle airbag feasibility in a realistic manner; (2) for motorcycle airbags, a tradeoff exists between beneficial effects in some impact accident configurations and harmful effects in others; and (3) that the positive or negative influences of a motorcycle airbag are sensitive to airbag design parameters, and impact or deployment configurations.

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C 9307 (In: C 9195 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 894960

In: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Munich, Germany, May 23-26, 1994, Volume 2, Paper 94-s7-o-07, p. 1198-1211, 24 ref.

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