Presentation related to the neck component.

Bendjellal, F. Gillet, D. & Tarrière, C.

The APR (Association Peugeot SA /Renault) test matrix included twenty neck pendulum repeatability tests and six neck biofidelity tests. Since the repeatability of the neck will be dealt with in the presentation related to the whole dummy repeatability, a short summary about the neck characteristics is proposed.Results indicate that the biofidelity of the EUROSID neck is on the whole satisfactory, the cadaver / EUROSID comparison, suggests reliable behaviour of the neck, in spite of a lack of sufficient cadaver data in more severe test conditions.

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4 + 10 =
Los deze eenvoudige rekenoefening op en voer het resultaat in. Bijvoorbeeld: voor 1+3, voer 4 in.


B 27696 (In: B 27692) /84 / IRRD 806844

In: The European side- impact dummy "EUROSID". Proceedings of the Seminar held in Brussels, 11 December, 1986, p. 65- 88, 15 ref.

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