Prevention and reduction of accidental injury in children and older people : evidence briefing.

Millward, L.M. Morgan, A. & Kelly, M.P.

This briefing summarises a number of reviews of the evidence relating to the reduction and prevention of accidental injury in children and older people. Accidents are a leading cause of preventable death and ill health. Through appraisal of relevant research evidence, the aims of this document are to: • Highlight what measures, including interventions, have the potential to prevent or reduce accidental injury • Identify gaps and inconsistencies in the evidence and provide a steer on future research commissioning. Longer-term aims include using this review to provide advice on the setting of standards and on practice that will target health promotion and accident prevention most effectively. A specific long-term aim is to narrow the inequalities associated with accidental injury. It is recommended that this briefing is read in conjunction with the Accidental Injury Task Force Report (Department of Health, 2002). (Author/publisher)

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C 27431 [electronic version only]

London, Health Development Agency (HDA), 2003, VI + 62 p., 101 ref.

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