A preview-predictor model of driver behavior in emergency situations. Prepared for the U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, Office of Research, Traffic Systems Division.

Kroll, C.V. & Roland, R.D.

A closed-loop nonlinear driver control mathematical model was developed promariyl to enable a better definition of prevailing preimpact conditions for use in studies aimed at minimizing the incidence and the consequences of single vehicle accidents through improvements in the performance of roadside design elements. Combined models of the driver and vehicle permit comparisons of simulated responses with experiments involving maneuvers at or near the upper limits of vehicle and driver control. The mathematical model is described, and results of several initial check-out runs are summarized. Specific values and ranges of the various input parameters have yet to be determined; however, approximate values have been obtained by qualitative analysis of the model behavior. (A)

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Buffalo, NY, Cornell University, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory CAL, 1970, 63 + 31 p., 10 ref.; Interim Technical Report; CAL Report ; No. VJ-2251-V-6; Contract No. CPR-11-3988

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