Prewetting Salt with Hot Water.

Lysbakken, K.R. & Stotterud, R.

The development of spreader equipment for the new sanding method based ona mix of hot water and sand has made it possible to test a completely newsalting method. A warm wetted sand spreader is a standard spreader with aspinner. Water tanks and heaters are mounted on a lorry, and the water isheated until it reaches a temperature of 90-95degreesC. This equipment has made it possible to test a method of prewetting dry salt with hot water.Traditionally, salt is prewetted with brine. During the winter season 2003-4, preliminary testing of the new method was conducted. The effect of prewetting salt with hot water was compared with the effect of traditional salting prewetted with brine. Tests were done both on anti- and de-icing actions. Friction and residual salt were recorded as important measures of the effect. Weather parameters were also recorded during the tests. The results from the preliminary tests in the 2003-4 season indicated that there is a difference in effect between the two methods. There is a clear tendency that the method of prewetting salt with hot water has a more rapid effect as a de-icer compared with prewetting salt with brine. The results showthat the new method gives a higher friction level than the traditional method. As an anti-icing medium, the tests showed no significant difference between the two methods. This means that the new method can also be an alternative in anti-icing actions. The preliminary study confirms that prewetting salt with hot water is an interesting alternative, and so far no negative aspects with the method have been revealed. It is still important, however, to continue the testing to gain more experience and documentation with the method. For the covering abstract see ITRD E143097.

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C 50226 (In: C 50149 CD-ROM) /61 /62 / ITRD E143256

In: Proceedings of the XIIth International Winter Road Congress held in Torino-Sestriere (Italy), March 2006, Pp.

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