Price competition and fair competition in the U.K. freight market.

Starkie, D.

To compare the competitive position of road and rail in the UK freight market it is necessary to focus on long distance freight and to use a consistent accounting framework. These conditions are not satisfied if british railways' avoidable cost approach is compared with the government's road track cost calculations. After a detailed account of how road and rail costs and prices are determined, the paper recalculated the avoidable track costs of a heavy vehicle using the trunk road network. The results suggest that british railway's claim of unfair competition on account of a preferential road subsidy is difficult to substantiate. (A)

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C 16638 [electronic version only] /10 / IRRD 280629

International Journal of Transport Economics, Vol. 11 (1984), Nos. 2/3 (August/December), p. 149-162

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