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Barton, M.

Lockheed Martin has implemented some of the largest intelligent transport system (ITS) operations in the world. The company is a primary developer of the US National ITS Architecture and was selected to assist in the development of the Canadian National ITS Architecture. The company was retained by the government of British Columbia as advisor for the development of the regional master plan being assembled by TRANSLINK. Lockheed Martin's Transportation Systems (LMTS) is based in Denver, Colorado. The company has developed an understanding of the Advanced Vehicle Control Systems component of ITS through its involvement in the Systems Engineering and Integration support for the US National Automated Highway System. The company is involved in the development of the following systems: Minnesota Department of Transport's ORION programme; the Houston TranStar ITS system; the TransVISION Traffic Operations in Fort Worth, Texas; the Central Ohio Regional Transportation facility in Columbus, Ohio; the Broward County, Florida ITS Operations Facility Master Plan; the Colorado Traffic Management System; and the Virginia Department of Transport's Smart Traffic Operations Center. For the covering abstract see ITRD E115762.

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C 24726 (In: C 24715) /10 /70 / ITRD E115773

In: Traffic technology international 2002 : the 2002 international review of advanced traffic management, p. 62-64

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