Privatization of low-volume-road maintenance management : Malaysian experience.

Ahmad, T.b. Ahmad, J. & Hossain, M.

In 2001, the Malaysian government privatized the maintenance of its federal road network. The network was divided into four maintenance regions. The southern region consists of about 4,000 km of roads; of that, about 1,800 km is under the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) scheme. Under the privatization contract, the concessionaire is required to carry out periodic, routine, and emergency maintenance of all roads within the FELDA scheme. The implementation of the privatized maintenance management program for the low-volume road network is discussed. The current management program includes road condition data collection, maintenance strategy and pavement materials selection, and use of innovative pavement maintenance technology. Data collection is carried out by using a high-speed road data collection survey vehicle; structural assessment is made by using the falling weight deflectometer, coring and dynamic cone penetrometer, and a conventional visual condition survey. An inventory system was also developed. Components of this privatized maintenance contract are discussed in detail.

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C 41819 (In: C 41802 a [electronic version only] /10 / ITRD E837260

In: Low-volume roads 2007, Volume 1, Transportation Research Record TRR No. 1989, 2007, p. 281-289, 7 ref.

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