The problem of stopping drivers after the termination of the green signal at traffic lights.

Hulscher, F.R.

Analysis of accident statistics confirms that red- running is a significant traffic safety problem, and its incidence is increasing.The paper examines the rationality of traffic regulations governing driver behaviour of yellow and red signals; and analyses the requirements of traffic engineering criteria to promote compliance with the law. Theoretically derived timing algorithms for the yellow and allred intervals have been evaluated in the field, and it has been concluded that these timings are not critical due to the effect of driver adaptation. The publication contains only an increased abstract. The paper has been published in Traffic Engineering and Control 25 (3), March 1984, p. 110- 116.

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B 27877 (In: B 23931 [electronic version only]) /73 /83 / IRRD 277380

In: Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the Australian Road Research Board ARRB, Hobart, Tasmania, August 27-31, 1984, Volume 12, Part 5, Traffic Behaviour, p. 13-25

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