Probleme des jungen Fahranfängers und Konsequenzen für eine erweiterte Konzeption der Fahrausbildung.

Böcher, W.

The paper gives an insight into the thoughts and findings of an oecd research group and a project group from the federal german establishment for highways in cologne (bast). Independently of each other these groups discuss typical faulty behaviour and the risks associated with newly qualified drivers and possible methods of retraining. In order to progress from 'being able' to 'being ready' to drive - an objective which present-day driver training appears not to achieve - two possible ways are given: specially directed lengthened and concentrated driver training or a model for obligatory further training, even after the driving test. This close control with a positive check on learning from experience is given priority as a part of the principle of "integrated traffic education". The most important prerequisite for a broader conception of driving training is the incorporation of knowledge from modern behaviour and learning theories so that the young driver is made conscious of his behaviour and attitude and that these may change. The report presents the possibility of measures for further training with diverging focal points according to the method of group dynamics. It demands that all previously adopted techniques are analysed for their cost-benefit-aspects and to assess their efficiency. Finally the special requirements are laid down for those persons necessary for carrying out further training and retraining of recently qualified drivers in need of this.

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C 21054 (In: C 21042) /83 / IRRD 307521

In: Informationen und Mitteilungen des Berufsverbandes Deutscher Psychologen e.V., Sektion Verkehrspsychologie, August 1977, p. 149-160, 2 ref.

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