Problèmes et tendances dans l'éclairage des automobiles, des routes et des tunnels.

Boer, J.B. de.

Problems in vehicle lighting, carriageway lighting and the lighting of tunnels are discussed. Fundamental characteristics of these lightings are studied regarding safety and comfort. Examples are given of developments for a better headlamp, automatic correctors for glare, new installations for street lighting and tunnel lighting.

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B 8634 (In: B 8630) 85.2/91.1/

In: La conduite de nuit : 14e Journée de Conférences, Automobile Club de Suisse, Lausanne 1 Octobre 1970 = Fahren bei Nacht : 14. Vortragstagung, Automobile Club de Suisse, Lausanne, 1 October 1970, p. 59-84, 3 fig., 7 graph., 14 ref.

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