Problems and issues regarding East-West rail traffic in Europe as seen from an East European standpoint.

Cebulok, J.

The author considers specific problems in developing transport links between East and West. Although a genuine desire exists to establish links with the West it is felt that the process will take a long time and require constructive co-operation from the West. Problems are identified in the differences between economic systems and in the areas of trade, frontier crossings, transport policy and technology used. Modernisation plans for Eastern European railway systems are based on the UN Transport Commissions European Agreement on Main International Railway Lines (AGC) which in turn is based on the International Union of Railways' Master Plan. Details are given of new lines and upgrading proposed for both freight and passengers in Poland. The information available for other East European railways is also outlined. Plans for integrating Poland's management and electronic data processing systems and harmonising combined transport are described. Possible limitations to transport between East and West are suggested.

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C 14375 (In: C 14367 S) /72 / IRRD 853523

In: Prospects for East-West European Transport : proceedings of the international seminar, Paris, December 6-7, 1990, p. 311-42

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