Problems encountered in developing and installing a maintenance management reporting system.

Leight, C.O.

The Virginia maintenance study began in June 1963 and extended until December 1966. Problems encountered in developing the maintenance management reporting system are reviewed. Field operating personnel had to be sold on this system. Orientation sessions were held with field personnel at all levels. Operations were started with pilot test of only the management system. Errors became apparent in the computer programs because of no test. Supply of reporting forms was also a problem. Accurate reporting was an initial problem. Through indoctrination and use of a foremen's daily report card, accurate reporting to the time keeper has improved.

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A 3351 (In: A 3341 S)

In: Maintenance management : proceedings of a Workshop held July 22th, 1968, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, Highway Research Board (HRB) Special Report No. 100, Pp.

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