Proceedings of Best in Europe 2002 - Safer Cities conference, held at Brussels, 25 June 2002.


The European Commission has set a target of reducing road deaths by half by 2010. The conference Best in Europe 2002 presents information on a range of successful measures to reduce road accidents in urban areas. It is the second conference in a series with the aim of bringing together senior policy makers and road safety professionals. For Best in Europe 2000 see C 18574 (ITRD E109708). For the abstracts see C 25331 - C 25338 (ITRD E117762 - E117769).

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C 25330 [electronic version only] /82 /83 /73 / ITRD E117761

Brussels, European Transport Safety Council ETSC, 2002, 36 p., 4 ref.

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