Proceedings of the international symposium on the effects of speed limits on traffic accidents and transport energy use, Dublin, october 6-8 1981.

Nilsson, G. Johnson, P. Klein, T.M. Levy, P. Maxwell, D. Lassare, S. Tan, S.H. Lenz-K, H. Salusjarvi, M. Hearne, R. Christensen, J. Pittam, C. Thomsen, L.K. Engel, U. Wegman, F.C.M. Hammarstrom, U. Oberg, G. McGuinness, P. Ledru, M. Roumegoux, J.P. & Schmidt, K. Dahlquist, C. Salusjarvi, M. Tinti, L. Aerde, M. van Yagar, S. Esteve, A.E. Petzold, R.G. Wyman, J.H. Lyles, J.H. Nilsson, E. Bach, O. Hauer, E. Ahlin, F.J. Bowser, J.S. & Daas, H.R.

The Symposium was organised by An Foras Forbartha, the national centre for read research in Ireland and held on the 8th October, 1981. The purpose of the Symposium was to enable scientists, engineers and ether experts involved in road transport to report on recent research findings, exchange information on ongoing work, discuss the state-of-the-art and arrive at conclusions regarding the effects of speed limits on accidents and energy use. The subject was subdivided into four themes: 1) Speed Limits and Traffic accidents, 2) Speed Limits and Energy Conservation, 3) Measuring and Recording Vehicle Speeds, 4) Enforcement of Speed Limits. This report presents the conclusions of the four sessions and a list of the papers presented. The proceedings of the Symposium have been published by An Foras Forbartha. See also B 19617.

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B 21320 [electronic version only] /73 /83 /96 / IRRD 275653

Paris, Organisation for Economie Co-operatien and Development OECD, 1982, 375 p., fig., graph., tab., ref.


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