Proceedings of National Highway Safety Bureau Priorities Seminar, held at Fredericksburg, Virginia, July 18-20 1969. Volume 6: Driver behavior.

Dunn, L. & J. Lippman (Co- chairman)

This report informs about the driver behaviour program. The driver, the vehicle, and the environment, three major elements, air discussed. The vehicle and the highway system can be more easily changed than the human being and his behaviour on the road. To reduce his unpredictability and variability on appropriate training and education is necessary. For this training and education new methods, like a simulator are developed. Human characteristics in driving behaviour must be overlooked to get the best results.

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A 6799

Washington, D.C., National Highway Safety Bureau NHSB, 1969, 95 p.; NTIS PB-186273 / DOT HS 820 060

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