Proceedings of the ninth International Study Week in Traffic and Safety Engineering, O.T.A., Munich, 9-13 September 1968.


This report contains the proceedings of the 9th international study week in traffic and safety engineering 9-13 september 1968. The following themes and discussions are described: Theme I. Effect of roadside development and design features on the level of service given by all-purpose rural road. 1 and 4. Theme II. Recent developments in barrier design 7 and 13. Theme III. Lessons to be drawn from the change of the rule of the road in Sweden. 15 and 23. Theme IV. Variation in the pattern of accident rates in different contries and their causes. 24 and 34. Theme V. Design criteria for their causes. 24 and 34. Theme VI. Principles which should govern the long-range planning of urban road systems. 46. Theme VII. Design principles for grade separated intersections in urban areas. 51 and 62. Theme VIII. Motorway surveillance and control 66 and 71. Discussion groups. 1- computer programmes availeble for assisting in the solution of traffic problems, p. 74; 2- ways of helping buses in urban areas, p. 75; 3- the problem of good vehicles loading and unloading, p. 78; 4- the relation between speed and amounts of traffic on roads of different kinds, p. 80.

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A 2533 (In:A 4205?)

London, OTA, 1969, 80 p.

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