Proceedings of Roads and Traffic Safety on Two Continents in Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 1987. Highway Operations: Concrete and Structures.

Andreas, A. Minsk, L.D. Bonnot, J. Verhee, F. Bense, P. Le Duff, M. Bergfalk, L. Gustafson, K. Jawed, I. Vring, J. van der Hellers, B.G. Hansen, E. Haga, J. & Bull, J.

The papers presented at the seminar were as follows: maintenance cost effectiveness studies for the strategic highway research program (andreas,a); shrp snow and ice control (minsk,ld); activities in france designed to improve the efficiency of maintenance techniques (bonnot,j, verhee,f, bense,p and le duff,m); development of maintenance management and control systems (bergfalk,l); highway snow and ice control. Nordic overview (gustafson,k); strategic highway research program. Concrete and structures (minsk,ld and jawed,i); development in the netherlands in the field of concrete and structures and concrete blockpaving (van der vring,j); durability of road and bridge structures of concrete. Nordic experiences (hellers,bg); norwegian practice for concrete bridge deck protection (hansen,e and haga,j); the use of 2 metre square precast concrete rafts as temporary, reusable and cost-effective roads (bull,j). This is one of five publications on this conference. For the other four see irrd 817564, 817566, 817567 and 817568.

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C 41145 S /32 /60 /62 / IRRD 817565

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1988, 131 p., ref.; VTI rapport 330A - ISSN 0347-6030

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