Proceedings of Roads and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 1987. Driver behaviour and licensing; alcohol and drugs; driving and the elderly.

Loevsund, P. Hedin, A. Toernros, J. Allen, R.W. Sivak, M. Soler, J. Michauk, C. Nygaard, B. Hoxie, P. Skinner, D. Lacey, J. Jayet, M.C. Assum, T. Glad, A. Jones, A.W. Spoerer, E. Ruby, M. Lamm, R. Choueiri, E. Kloeckner, J.H. Rumar, K. Hammonet, C. Begue-Simon, A.M. Borgel, F. Mondor, H. & Kroj, G.

The papers presented at the seminar were as follows: a method for studying the effect of visual field defects, which could be a tool when formulating standards for visual fields (loevsund,p, hedin,a and toernros,j); crash avoidance models and driver/vehicle handling (allen,rw); driver risk perception in spain and the usa (sivak,m and soler,j); theoretical requirements for drivers licence in austria (michalik,c); computerized driver aptitude testing in austria by means of the act & react test system (michalik,c); why can we expect new scandinavian driver education programmes to set international standards and improve future skills of new drivers? (nygaard,b); effects of minimum drinking age on highway fatalities in the united states (hoxie,p and skinner,d); licence removal at time of arrest for driving while intoxicated. An approach with promise in the united states (lacey,j); drinking and driving: institutional and social aspects of law enforcement (jayet,mc); the drinking and driving problem in norway. The scandinavian approach. Success or failure? (assum,t and glad,a); enforcement of drink-driving laws by use of per se legal alcohol limits. Blood and/or breath concentration as the definition of impairment (jones,aw); driver improvement and rehabilitation of dwis. The influence of american approaches on the establishment of treatment programmes in central europe (spoerer,e and ruby,m); experiences in fatalities by age and road user groups. Usa vs western europe 1970-1983 (lamm,r, choueiri,e and kloeckner,jh); elderly drivers in europe (rumar,k); consequences of traffic injuries in senior citizens (hammonet,c, begue-simon,am, borgel,f, mondor,h, dobias,g and muhlrad,m); driving and the elderly (kroj,g). This is one of five publications on this conference. For the other four see irrd 817564, 817565, 817566, 817567.

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C 41408 S /83 / IRRD 817568

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1988, 178 p., ref.; VTI rapport 331A - ISSN 0347-6030

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