Proceedings of Roads and Traffic Safety on Two Continents, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 9-11, 1987. Opening: Traffic Safety - Open Session: Traffic Safety - General.

Tabb, J. Kulash, D. Larsson, T. Joergensen, N. Phillips, D. Karlsson, T. Schioetz, D. Eriksson, A. Wegman, F. Mulder, J. Gundy, C. Bernard, M. Giesa, S. Sandebring, H. Johns, K.B. Dobias, G. Praxenthaler, H. & Hitchcook, A.

Papers presented at the seminar were as follows: safety and shrp from the viewpoint of the states (tabb,j); the strategic highway research program: where it came from, and where it is going (kulash,d and larsson,t); european trends in road safety and road safety research (joergensen,n); highway safety research in the fhwa and the united states (phillips,d); prometheus. The european automotive industry research project (karlsson,t); highways through towns. Road with safety and environmental priority (shioetz,d); volvo safety design philosophy (eriksson,a); improvement of safety belt use in the netherlands (wegman,f, mulder,j and gundy,c); road traffic signing on two continents. A call for harmonization (bernard,m); road sign research in west germany (giesa,s); the oecd road transport research programme (sandebring,h); traffic safety research policy in the united states (johns,kb); r and d policy in france in the field of road safety (dobias,g); road safety research in the federal republic of germany (praxenthaler,h); road user safety. Possible european research cooperation (hitchcook,a). This is one of five publications on this conference. For the other four see irrd 817564, 817565, 817567 and 817568.

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C 41477 S /73 /80 /91 / IRRD 817566

Linköping, Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1988, 201 p., ref.; VTI rapport 328A - ISSN 0347-6030

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