Professional skills for delivering the drink-drive rehabilitation (DDR) scheme : analysis of DDR training provider organisations’ interview findings.

Johnson, C. & Hardman, J.

In August 2007, the Department for Transport commissioned Competence Assurance Solutions (CAS) to carry out an independent review of the skills and knowledge (competence requirements) that a good Drink-Drive Rehabilitation (DDR) trainer needs to have. These competence requirements have been supplemented by a number of practical guidance documents (Road Safety Web Publication No. 12) which training providers can use to recruit, retain and develop high-quality trainers and to assure the Department for Transport that the DDR trainer competence is being managed effectively. A set of key performance indicators (KPIs) has been taken from each of the guidance documents. Taken together the KPIs describe what is currently regarded as good practice in competence management. This Work Package of the project has reviewed how well the 22 training provider organisations meet the KPIs in the good practice guidance. CAS has interviewed all training providers with the aim of determining what approaches they are currently taking with regard to recruitment, selection, trainer training and continuing professional development (CPD). This report is the seventh deliverable of the project and is structured as follows: • Section 2 explains how the KPIs were identified. • Section 3 describes the interview process. • Section 4 gives general comments on the findings from the interviews. • Section 5 explains the next steps for the project. • Appendix 1 has a full list of the KPIs and interview areas. (Author/publisher)

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20100872 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2010, 21 p.; Road Safety Web Publication ; No. 13 - ISBN 978-1-84864-095-5

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