Professional skills for delivering the drink-drive rehabilitation (DDR) scheme : summary of project deliverables, detailed improvement plans and next steps.

Hardman, J. Juntunen, A. & Johnson, C.

In August 2007, the Department for Transport commissioned Competence Assurance Solutions (CAS) to carry out an independent review of the skills and knowledge (competence requirements) that a good Drink-Drive Rehabilitation (DDR) Trainer needs to have. This project has produced a competence framework setting out future requirements. It has also produced a number of good practice guidance documents (Road Safety Web Publication No. 12) which training providers can use to recruit, select, train and develop high-quality trainers and thereby assure the Department for Transport that DDR trainer competence is being managed effectively. This guidance is consistent with good practice approaches recognised by: • the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CPID); • the British Psychological Society (BPS); • the European Association for Personnel Management (EAPM); • the Qualification and Curriculum Authority (QCA); and • the Federation of Awarding Bodies (FAB). This report forms the final deliverable of the project and should be read in conjunction with its two other major deliverables: • Deliverable 6: DDR Trainer Good Practice Guide (dated 30 September 2008) (Road Safety Web Publication No. 12); and • Deliverable 7: Analysis of DDR Training Organisations: Interview Findings (dated 23 December 2008) (Road Safety Web Publication No. 13). (Author/publisher)

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20100871 ST [electronic version only]

London, Department for Transport (DfT), 2010, 30 p.; Road Safety Web Publication ; No. 14 - ISBN 978-1-84864-095-5

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