Profiler performance for construction quality control.


Researchers at the University of Michigan's Transportation Research Institute recently measured profiler performance for construction quality control. Researchers evaluated the performance of inertial profilers, tools that measure road textures. Results of the first phase of the test indicated that high-speed and lightweight inertial profilers were sufficiently repeatable for measuring the International Roughness Index (IRI) on a moderately rough asphalt site of typical texture. It was also deemed sufficient for a moderately rough concrete site of unusually smooth surface texture. However, on a smooth concrete site with transverse lining, repeatability was compromised. It was also compromised on a smooth concrete site with longitudinal thinning.

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I E834471 /50 / ITRD E834471

UMTRI Research Review. 2003 /10. 34(4) pp9-10 (3 Phot.)

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