Programs for the improvement of road safety.

Mack, V.J.

The U.S. Department of Transportation is organized along modal lines with the responsibility for road safety research assigned to two agencies The FHWA and the NHTSA. The FVWA program is divided into 3 major areas: large truck safety, roadside safety hardware and traffic control. The NHTSA continues activities on seat belt usage, drug and alcohol countermeasures and driver licensing,

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B 25208 (In: B 25201) /73/82/83/. IRRD 800974

In: The way ahead : recent developments in road safety research. A Liber Amicorum dedicated to Professor Erik Asmussen : proceedings of the International Seminar on Recent Developments in Road Safety Research, held at Koninklijk Conservatorium, The Hague, 20 November 1986, p. 53-58

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