Project Machine Examination Teaching, Evaluation, and Re-education METER : an evaluation.

U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA

The objective of project METER was to investigate the feasibility of the automated driver testing approach utilising materials and expertise from three particular areas: programmed testing and learning, driving simulation, and driver examination and evaluation. METER was a centralised system composed of three testing subsystems: individual knowledge testing, group knowledge testing, and defensive driving testing with a driving simulator. Each subsystem was interfaced with a central computer. Operational evaluation demonstrated that the centralised systems approach was unsatisfactory and that separate testing systems should be utilised whenever possible. The group testing system proved unsatisfactory. Evaluation of software items demonstrated that both the knowledge and defensive driving tests could discriminate between drivers with good and poor driving records.

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Washington, D.C., U.S. Department of Transportation DOT, Federal Highway Administration FHWA, 1971, 44 p., 3 ref.; FH-11-6834

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