Projections d'eau occasionnées par lesséhicules sur route mouillée.

Le Guen, M.H.

Results of numerous tests carried out at the LUTAC (France), TRRL and MIRA (United Kingdom), and the Stevens Institute (USA) have shown that there does not exist at the present time a really effective method of reducing the nuisance due to splash and spray generated by motor vehicles travelling on wet roads. Tests carried out with passenger cars in France and other countries proved that rubber mudguards of varying stiffness are hardly effective on some vehicles and not effective at all on other cars. It seems that the mudguards must be adapted to each car body design.

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B 16517 fo / 91 / IRRD 101345

Journal de la SIA, 1973, No. 2, p. 125-136, fig., ref.

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