Promoting transport safety in Europe : the role of the European Transport Safety Group.

Mackay, G.M. & Breen, J.

This paper outlines the need for an independent transport safety group which brings together professional and political knowledge. The paper describes the foundation of the European Transport Safety Group by three safety organizations: (I) Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat e.V.; (II) the British Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety; and (III) the Dutch Council for Traffic Safety (the Raad voor de Verkeersveiligheid). The aims of this new multi-disciplinary European group, which is in the process of being formed, are: (1) to identify and promote research-based solutions to transport accidents with due consideration to practicality, acceptability and cost; (2) to encourage common measures which will both provide genuine safety benefits and produce the best practice adoption rather than the lowest common denominator; (3) to encourage a wider awareness in the European Community of the causes, effects and solutions to transport accidents; and (4) to identify priorities for transport accident research.

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C 1628 (In: C 1590) /10 /70 /80 / IRRD 860389

In: Proceedings of the First World Congress on Safety of Transportation, held in the context of the 150th anniversary of the Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, 26-27 November 1992, p. 693-697

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