Promoting Walking in Vienna Or How to Promote Walking Exemplified on Vienna.

Wunsch, D.

Nearly everyone is walking, but hardly anyone considers himself as a pedestrian. Walking is taken for granted, and maybe because of this fact the exigencies connected to walking, and the needs of pedestrians, are often neglected. Moreover, pedestrians often feel unsafe, which is best reflected by the fact that parents are often reluctant to let their children walk toschool alone. As input for Cost Action number 358 Pedestrians' Quality Needs (international co-operation started in autumn 2006) a study on life quality, safety and infrastructure for pedestrians was initiated in Vienna (Austria) in 2006. This study "Safety and contentment of pedestrians in dependence of various mobility conditions" corresponds to the superior aim toenhance walking to a greater extent and also configuring it more safety. Based on the examination of the correlation between the design of public space, traffic safety and life quality, conclusions for the design of infrastructure and a reasonable organisation of the public space friendly to vulnerable road users can be drawn. The results of this study will help to implement measures for the improvement of (subjective) traffic safety and, in connection with that, for the improvement of life quality (in Vienna). For the covering abstract see ITRD E139491.

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C 48960 (In: C 48739 DVD) /72 / ITRD E139716

In: Proceedings 23rd World Road Congress, Paris, 17-21 September 2007, 12 p., 23 ref.

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