Proposal for a thorax tolerance level in side impacts based on 62 tets performed with cadavers having known bone condition.

Sacreste, J. Brun-Cassan, F. Fayon, A. Tarriere, C. Got, C. & Patel, A.

A large number of experiments involving cadavers have been performed for the purpose of enhancing the state of knowledge concerning tolerance levels and protection criteria relevant to side-impact conditions. Analysis of the rib charaterization test findings made it possible to define a thoracic resistance index enabling the establishment of a classification of subjects.

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B 22108 (In: B 22101 [electronic version only]) /84/ IRRD 269892

In: Proceedings of the 26th Stapp Car Crash Conference, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 20-21, 1982, p. 155-171, fig., graph., ref.; SAE Paper No. 821157

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