Proposed modifications to transportation injury codes for the tenth revision of the international classification of diseases.

Waxweiler, R.J. Kruse, T. & Smith, G.S.

The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is used in over 160 countries by vital statistics departments for coding and tabulating cause of mortality data. The external cause of injury chapter is the basis for international statistical comparisons of injury mortality. This paper describes major changes in the transportation-related cause of injury codes proposed for the Tenth Revision of the ICD.

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B 26260 (In: B 26251) [electronic version only] /84 / IRRD 809730

In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the American Association for Automotive Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 28-30, 1987, p. 133-157, 4 tab., 10 ref.

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