Propulsion system design for maintainability in the Lockheed 1011. Paper presented at the National Air Transportation Meeting, New York, April 21- 24, 1969.

Stroud, J.F. & Davenport, C.R.

The steps involved in design and development of the L-1011 propulsion system, with emphasis on maintenance aspects of the program, are summarized. System requirements, including maintainability and reliability, performance, and noise are reviewed. Major factors leading to determination of the propulsion system configuration are summarized and the rationale for meeting requirements of the various components leading to a well balanced propulsion system is presented. It is shown that the three-spool RB.211 engine satisfies requirements for minimum maintenance of the basic engine. The paper also indicates advantages of an intermediate-length cowl in conjunction with an integral fan duct and reverser and engine accessories mounted externally on the fan case. Finally, certain key design features of the propulsion system are described as they relate to system and component maintainability.

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New York, Society of Automotive Engineers SAE, 1969, 10 p.; SAE Publication No. 690390

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