Prospects for road transport.

Reynaud, C.

In the first part of the paper the author studies the implications of changes in Europe for road transport. An analysis of present traffic flows in all modes between East and West is presented. The consequences of opening Eastern European frontiers are then examined in the areas of Germany, Central Europe and southern Europe. Opportunities and constraints governing the development of road transport in the region are discussed. Consideration is then given to a road transport strategy to structure East-West trade. More efficient freight networks are recommended and the importance of multi-modal techniques stressed. Conditions favourable to the development of an efficient road system are examined including existing East-West links, international organisations with interests in transport and support being offered by the West. A need is identified for medium and long-term transport policies and areas which should be given highest priority are highlighted.

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C 14376 (In: C 14367 S) /21 /72 / IRRD 853524

In: Prospects for East-West European Transport : proceedings of the international seminar, Paris, December 6-7, 1990, p. 343-432

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