Protecting vulnerable road users : proceedings of the 69th RoSPA Road Safety Congress, Cardiff City Hall - 1st-3rd March 2004.


Programme : Day One : Monday 1st March 2004 14:00 Chairman's Introduction & Welcome to Congress John Howard OBE, Chief Executive, RoSPA 14:10 Opening Address Dr Brian Gibbons, Deputy Minister for Economic Development and Transport 14:25 Prince Michael International Road Safety Award for the Child Seat Website - Dr Brian Gibbons to present 14:30 New Isofix Legislation Heinz-Jurgen Lang, European Managing Director, Britax Excelsior Ltd 14:45 Protecting Our Children David Padfield and Deirdre O'Reilly, DfT 15:15 Are we getting better? A discussion of what modelling can reveal about trends in vulnerable road user casualties Paul Hewson, Data Analyst and Research Officer, Devon County Council 15:40 Coffee 16:00 Children's Traffic Club Dawn Boyfield, Director, DBDA 16:30 'The Roadie Club' David Evans, Principal Road Safety Officer, Cardiff City Council 17:10 Open Forum 17:30 Close 19:30 Civic Reception, Hosted by Cardiff City Council in the National Museum of Wales 20:00 Congress Dinner - National Museum of Wales Programme : Day Two : Tuesday 2nd March 2004 9:15 Chair's Introduction Chris King, Chair, National Road Safety Committee 09:.20 Guidelines for the evaluation of Road Safety Education interventions Joanne Sentinella, Associate Research Fellow, TRL 09:45 'Right Start' Child Pedestrian Training Programme Alan Fisher, Principal Road Safety Adviser, Lancashire County Council 10:10 Road Safety Training for Young Wheelchair Users Sarah Jefkins, Wheelchair Training Project Manager, Whizzkids 10:35 Open Forum 10:50 Coffee 11:20 'A Cycling Journey': Moving Cycle Training Forward Kevin Mayne, Director, CTC 11:45 Horse Rider Safety Sheila Hardy, Head of Safety, British Horse Society 12:10 Travel Skills - Pedestrian and Cyclist Training for Groups of Adults with Learning Difficulties Honor Byford, Road Safety Officer, West Sussex County Council and Helen Jennings, Health Professional, West Sussex County Council 12:35 Open Forum 12:45 Lunch 14:00 Chair's Introduction Steve Baker, Road Safety Manager, RoSPA Wales 14:05 Home Zones - the Next Step in Urban Evolution Adrian Trim, Co-ordinator Road Safety, Plymouth City Council 14:20 Vulnerable Users, Rights of Way and Trunk Roads: Tutor's Pack Roger Wright, Principal Accessibility Adviser, Highways Agency 14:45 Potential of Micro-simulation Models to Assess Vulnerable Road Users' Safety Paulo Humanes, Senior Engineer, Babtie Ross Silcock 15:10 Open Forum 15:.30 Launch of Cyclists and HGVs Video 15:45 Awards Presentation 16:.00 Coffee and Close 20:00 Dinner - City Hall Programme : Day Three : Wednesday 3rd March 2004 09:15 Chair's Introduction Kevin Clinton, Road Safety Adviser, RoSPA 09:20 Motorcycle Instructors' Register Trevor Wedge, Assistant Chief Driving Examiner, Driving Standards Agency 09:45 Motor Cyclist Training Andrew Richardson, Project Director, B&W and Charles Davis, Head of Driver & Fleet Solutions, RoSPA 10:10 Bikesafe - the Motorcycling Strategy Chief Inspector Mark Owen, North Wales Police 10:35 Open Forum 10:45 Coffee 11:10 Vehicle Design Developments Adrian Walsh, Director, Roadsafe 11:25 EU Policies to Improve the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users Franziska Achterberg, Information Officer, European Transport Safety Council 11:55 Open Forum 12:10 Chair's Closing Remarks 12:15 Close

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Birmingham, Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents RoSPA, 2004, Pp.

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