Protection of the brain from injury during impact: experimental studies in the biomechanics of head injury.

Ommaya, A.K. & Hirsch, A.E.

Experimental data on head injury in three sub human primate species undergoing controlled direct head impact and indirect impulsive head loading (whiplash) are summarised. Data is presented to show that a combination of head rotation and skull distortion mechanisms are most injurious for brain damage during both direct and indirect impact. No evidence is found that short duration pure translation of linear acceleration of the head is at all injurious to the brain.

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A 9881 +fo (In: A 9880) IRRD 55797

In: AGARD Conference proceedings no. 88 on linear acceleration of impact type (1971) blz. 7-1 /8-1 Presented at the NATO /AGARD conference, Portugal, June 1971.

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