Protection of vehicle occupants, biomechanical aspects, performance of various restraint systems.

Mackay, G.M.

A number of statutory provisions have been adapted within the EEC. The author thinks that they are now obsolete and that priority should be given to (1) the retrospective examination of existing standards and the correction of errors they contain; and (2) the bringing together of contradictory requirements as regards specifications for test conditions. Urgent research should be conducted in the field of anthropometric dummies and in the classification of injuries.

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B 13169 (In: B 13110 [electronic version only]) /83/91/ IRRD 103853

In: Proceedings of the European Motor Vehicles Symposium and the Seminar on Accident Statistics, Brussels, December 1975, Volume I, p. 165-242, 2 tab., 27 ref.

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