Providing information of predicted travel time for use of travel planning stage.

Okada, T. & Izumi, N.

In addition to the various traffic information services established so far, the Metropolitan Expressway Public Corporation now also offers a new service providing expected travel time data that can be very helpful for planning journeys before departure. This information service supports would-be travellers in selecting the best departure time and optimum route and promises a more effective utilisation of the road system by spreading out traffic demand in time and space. Estimation of the travel time offers a useful tool for making travel plans, including decisions on the departure time. These estimates are made by computational procedures involving an analysis of the traffic data that are acquired each month to determine variation on a monthly, weekly and hourly basis and by taking the fluctuation characteristics into consideration. The most appropriate medium for providing the information is the INTERNET in view of the ease with which it is accessible for most people and its user-friendliness in meeting personal needs in terms of the space and time slots to be used.

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C 22913 (In: C 22454 CD-ROM) /10 /72 / ITRD E114700

In: From vision to reality : proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS, Turin, Italy, 6-9 November 2000, 7 p.

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