Provsträckor med cementbruksbunden makadam (CM)

produktionsförsök vid Tumba och uppföljnning av provsträckor vid Norsholm och Bålsta = Test sections with Cement-Grouted Macadam (CM)
Hultqvist, B.-Å. & Carlsson, B.

This project examines the possibility of using cement-grouted macadam (CM) as a roadbase. The aim of the full-scale test was partly to test a new working technique and production methods for laying a CM roadbase and to follow up the results of earlier CM test sections. The observations on two earlier test sections showed varying results. One test section on the E18 at Bålsta produced very good results. After four years, the section was completely free of cracks and the surface was very smooth. A test section at Norsholm has shown poorer results. After four years, areas were found with both longitudinal and transverse cracks. Generally, the damage was due to deviations of the CM roadbase from the prescribed roadbase from the prescribed thickness. The study shows that a CM roadbase of high quality can be constructed if the prescribed mortar is used, together with the improved spreader equipment developed by the National Road Administration. However, the production method should be refined to improve the evenness of the CM roadbase. (A)

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C 7468 S /22 /52 / IRRD 861917

Linköping, Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute VTI, 1993, IV + 28 p., 8 p.; VTI meddelande ; 704 - ISSN 0347-6049

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