PSA Peugeot Citroen experimental safety subsystems in Vehicle and Safety on Road VSR.

Chambeau, F. Colinot, J.P. Dillies, M.A. Golgolab, A. & Hamon, J.

The Experimental Safety SubSystems (ESSS) proposed by PSA Peugeot Citroen in the Vehicle and Safety on Road - VSR - program are based on the information coming from accidentological activities; they are the result of synthesis studies performed in the frame of accident avoidance, primary safety and occupant protection: (1) ESSS 1 are devoted to electronics and intelligent vehicle developments for crash avoidance; (2) ESSS 2 present new methods for dynamic behavior improvement in order to prevent the driver from being in a critical driving condition; and (3) ESSS 3 is given up to enhanced passive safety conditions aimed at increased occupant protection in case of accident. (A)

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C 11465 (In: C 11439 [electronic version only]) /91 / IRRD 896554

In: Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Technical Conference on Enhanced Safety of Vehicles ESV, Melbourne, Australia, 13-16 May 1996, Volume 1, p. 339-347, 7 ref.

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