Psychische schade door verkeersongevallen : een signaleringsstudie en een experimenteel preventieproject. Proefschrift Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht RUU.

Hofman, M.C.

This study deals with the psychological consequences of serious traffic accidents, a topic which until recently has largely been neglected both in research and in mental health care. The two principal goals of this study are: (1) an explorative study of the psychological consequences of traffic accidents; and (2) an outcome study of an experimental secondary prevention programme for traffic accident victims.

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B 30133 /83 /84 / IRRD 831566

Utrecht, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht, 1990, 227 p., 125 ref.; Ook verschenen bij: Deventer, Van Loghum Slaterus, 1990, 172 p., 125 ref. - ISBN 90-368-0220-2

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