Psychological and social predictors of traffic convictions among young New Zealand drivers.

Alsop, J.C. Reeder, A.I. Begg, D.J. Nada-Raja, S. & McLaren, R.L.

The study aimed to determine whether young drivers with traffic conviction records differed from those without, with respect to prior personal characteristics measured around the minimum age of licensure (presently 15 years in New Zealand). From a broad range of psychological and social factors, the strongest and most stable predictors were male gender, part time work, rural residence, marijuana use, estimated driving exposure during the follow up period, and early motorcycle riding. Experiences of riding as a passenger with young drivers or with an alcohol intoxicated adult driver were also significant predictors. Some possible countermeasures are considered. (A)

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C 16313 (In: C 16271 b) /83 / ITRD E200274

In: Proceedings of the Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 16-17 November 1998, Volume 2, p. 33-37, 30 ref.

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