Psychologische ontwikkeling en kennis in relatie tot verkeersongevallen.

Schagen, I. van

Children and young people are besides old people a specific risk- group in traffic. Accident data show that young children mainly as pedestrian are involved in accidents. For cyclists the accident peak is at 11- 14 years. The moped accident- peak is between 16- 18 years. To improve this relative weak position of young road users different measures have to be considered. However first the effects of these measures should be studied and which factors can explain this accident rate. Cognitive development, motorial development and traffic education are such factors.

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B 31304 (In: B 31283) /83 /71 /72 / IRRD 837849

In: Handboek Sociale Verkeerskunde, 1989, p. 317- 330.

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