Psychology and the behaviour of drivers in the causation of road accidents.

Poulton, E.C.

The behaviour of drivers is, of course, a most important factor in road safety. The seminar believed that administrative arrangements should be made to compel drivers who have been reported to show aggressive or reckless behaviour on the roads to attend a course of re-training before being allowed to drive again, in stead of being punished in some other way. In picturing man as car driver, it may help to have a simple model like that in the figure to indicate his main properties. A number of lines of communication are shown between the sense organs and the brain, and between the brain and the muscles. They correspond to sensory and motor nerves. But only single lines of communication are shown connecting the boxes within the brain, and between the brain and which are intended to represent the brains main functions in driving. This is to emphasize that the brain can only carry out one computing operation at a time; a person can think only relatively slowly, unlike an electronic computer.

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A 145 (In: A 140 fo)

In: Report of the inter-regional seminar on the epidemiology, control and prevention of road traffic accidents, WHO, 12 p.

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