The psychology of risk taking behavior.

Trimpop, R.M.

In chapter 1, after having presented the purpose and outline of the book, the author will discuss the history of research on risk. In chapter 2, the concepts of risk assessment, risk perception, and risk acceptance across different people and cultures will be discussed. In chapter 3, the author will discuss biologically based arousal and personality theories of risk taking. An intensive review of the literature on genetic components, personality models, evolutionary approaches with empirical results and implications for almost all types of risk taking behavior are discussed. Chapter 4 will deal with theories about situational variables that are analyzed in utility theories and cost/benefit analyses. Chapter 5 deals with emotional, and motivational aspects of risk taking. Chapter 6 related to the necessary counteragent of an intrinsically and extrinsically motivated risk motivation. In chapter 7 the author will discuss the role risk taking behavior plays in the causation of accident prevention in traffic, sports, and industry. Also, theories and empirical studies of accident prevention will be discussed. Chapter 8 aims at understanding the behavioral adaptation, compensation and homeostatically controlled processes. Chapter 9 combines elements from all of the above mentioned theories and empirical finding. The final chapter 10 summarizes the idea and findings presented before.

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Amsterdam [etc.], North-Holland, 1994, XXV + 386 p., 953 ref.; Advances in Psychology ; No. 107 - ISBN 0-444-89961-8

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