Psychotherapeutic drugs, mental disorders and automobile crashes: A case-control study of 1308 females.

Nelson, R.C. Rector, T. Beard, M. & Kurland, L.T.

A case-control study was conducted using police reports and a medical record linkage system. The case group consisted of 654 females who were considered at fault for an automobile crash. Data on the nature and type of crash, an existing physical disorders, diagnosed and undiagnosed mental disorders, as well as psychoactive and all other prescription drugs were analysed. The epidemiological fundamentals of person, place and time as the relate to the investigated risk factors and outcome are discussed.

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B 25898 (In: B 25860) /83.4 / IRRD 805840

In: Alcohol, drugs and traffic safety-T 86. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, Amsterdam, 9-12 September 1986; p. 275-278, 7 ref.

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