Public attitudes toward the American Trucking Industry : findings and methods. Conducted for the American Trucking Associations ATA Foundation.

Market Facts

The findings in this report are from a major national study of public attitudes toward the trucking industry conducted by Market Facts-Washington on behalf of the ATA Foundation and Monsanto Textiles Company. The survey was designed to probe the opinions of the American public on topics of interest to the American Trucking Associations and the Motor Vehicle Manufacturers Association. Specific objectives of the study were: a) To ascertain public attitudes toward the trucking industry on key topics, and public perceptions of operators, manufacturers, and truck drivers; b) To determine public perceptions of truck safety and the basis of such perceptions; c) To measure public support for or opposition to trucking industry positions on important policy issues such as weight and length uniformity, highway use taxes, and vehicle design changes; and d) To provide trucking industry decision-makers with recommendations for improving public attitudes and enhancing industry communications and public affairs strategies.

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830956 ST [electronic version only]

Washington, D.C., American Trucking Associations ATA Foundation, 1981, 35 p.

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