Public perceptions of fixed digital speed cameras in New South Wales

Walsh, D.

In July 2000 the New South Wales Road and Traffic Authority commissioned a major evaluation of its Fixed Digital Speed Camera Program. This paper focuses on the community attitude survey component of the evaluation. A telephone survey was conducted at four times during the evaluation. The aim of the survey was to establish community perceptions towards fixed digital speed cameras and to identify changes in attitudes and behaviours over time. Awareness of the fixed digital speed cameras grew from 64 per cent at Wave I to 82 per cent at Wave IV, and from 72 per cent in Wave I to 92 per cent in Wave IV for the booster sample. Most motorists continued to see fixed digital speed cameras as having a legitimate role including reduce speeding (60 per cent) prevent crashes (27 per cent) and improve road safety (20 per cent). Overall the results indicate that motorists viewed the NSW Fixed Digital Speed Camera Program as an effective road safety countermeasure. (Author/publisher) For the covering entry of this conference, please see ITRD abstract no. E210298.

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C 29240 (In: C 29121 CD-ROM) /73 / ITRD E210497

In: Proceedings of the 2003 Road Safety Research, Policing and Education Conference 2003, Sydney, Australia, 24-26 September 2003, Pp

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