Public transport and urban development in Pakistan.

Russell, J.R.E. & Anjum, G.A.

Improvements to urban public transport in Less Developed Countries are of growing importance as population, motorization and associated problems increase. There is evidence that urban development is being hampered by the inadequate supply of public transport services. This paper provides instances in Pakistan, and with specific reference to the city of Lahore, which demonstrate that poorly administered public transport, providing inefficient, unreliable, low quality services is leading to the choice of alternative modes of travel. In turn this contributes to a worsening of congestion and other transport problems. The paper also highlights spatial inequalities in the provision of public transport services, with poorer services in more peripheral locations and the failure to provide services in conjunction with planned or unplanned urban expansion. It is argued that current regulations inhibit rather than assist the development of improved public transport, and that under improved regulatory systems travel needs generally, and in peripheral locations specifically, can be much better served. In addition, more orderly urban development would be assisted. Regulatory improvements would involve tougher quality requirements but a minimalist approach to quantity restrictions. (Author/publisher)


970750 ST [electronic version only]

Transport Reviews, Vol. 17 (1997), No. 1, p. 61-80, 32 ref.

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